Creating Your Avatar – Why It’s a Must for Marketing to Your Target Audience
If you read about or talk with any of the most successful bloggers or Internet marketers, they will tell you that they have clearly defined their audiences and will highly recommend that you do the same by creating your avatar or persona for each of your market segments. The words “avatar” and “persona” are used interchangeably to represent a real or imaginary person that depicts your target audience.
When consulting with clients, one of the first things I have them do is to write out what their ideal customer would be – define in detail what this customer (or customers – if they have more than one target segment) actually looks like: age, race, gender, occupation, income, marital status, children or not, what a typical and ideal day may look like, etc.
In order to make this process easier for you so there are no more excuses NOT to do it (!), below is a form I have created that, once you fill it in, will return the answers to you. Hit the Print button below the form after you submit it. Print your avatar pages out and keep them handy so that every time you do something to market your business, you’ll be able to focus your marketing efforts specifically for these avatars. You’ll be amazed at how much creating your avatar will spark more ideas than ever!
– Click this button AFTER you hit the “submit” button above.